Dear Conan O’Brien, Samantha Bee, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah & Jimmy Fallon
Why do American people need semi-automatic weapons and/or semi-automatic guns, etc?
Please, allow "We The People" to educate you as you must have missed a few history and civics classes as well as other classes related to this issue. Or, you were simply educated by biased Liberal educators.
First.. let's review a little Constitutional History...
This Constitutional amendment was ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, then-Secretary of State: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." See 2nd Amendment for complete clause.
We The People have a right to have a well regulated militia.
You know those groups that are prepared and preparing to defend their friends and neighbors from enemies both foreign and domestic. Not all enemies of We The People are terrorist wishing to do Americans harm. There are currently those in this government whom would like to take complete control of We The People (and you yourself are attempting unwittingly to help them) and define how we can live, where we can live and what we can or can't have in our lives.
Example: The Mayor of New York
The very oath that those entering military service take also includes the words, "... against all enemies both foreign and domestic."
Seems pretty simple thus far right.
Well, at least for people that have open minds and believe what the Constitution says and what it represents for the preservation of individual freedoms in America.
"For the security of a free State!"
Apparently, without a well regulated militia, some of the founding Fathers and others during those first moments of the birth of the United States understood that without a well regulated militia that the security of "the free state" would be in danger of being lost.
You might ask yourself, "who were they fearful of that could put the freedom of the state in jeopardy of being lost thus the need to guaranteed that militias and the people be armed without infringement."
The right of "the people"... not the government nor politicians nor just those in power at any given moment in time but THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms. It doesn't specify what kind of arms, just ARMS and they go even further to say SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
Does it confuse you on this issue suggesting that the rights of THE PEOPLE should NOT be INFRINGED?
Let's ask President Obama what he thinks about citizens having assault weapons. What was it he said?
We're sending assault weapons to the rebels (militia/citizens) in Syria to confront a regime that does not represent them.
That's right! Obama believes that the people need assault weapons to defend themselves from those (the people in power) that are oppressing them and not representing the people.
Let's just change a little wording so as to take Obama's belief in the need for rebels (citizen militias) to have assault weapons as is referenced in our Constitution.
We allow assault weapons to be in the hands of Americans (militia/citizens) to enable them to defend themselves from any regime, current or future, that does not represent THE PEOPLE.
Thank you Mr. Obama for supporting the Constitution of the United States. We The People thank you for your endorsement as to why the Constitution has the words, " ....well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a "free state", the right of "the people" to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Second.. what occurs shortly after THE PEOPLE are disarmed?
Historical, things don't go well for citizens that are disarmed.
1911 Turkey Disarms
1915-1917 1.5 million citizens murdered
1929 Russian Disarms
1929-1953 20 million citizens slaughtered
1935 China Disarms
1948-1952 20 million citizens murdered
1938 Germany Disarms
1939-1945 16 million Jewish people massacred
1956 Cambodia Disarms
1975-1977 1 million people killed
1970 Uganda Disarms
1971-1979 300,000 Christians murdered
People are being slaughtered in Countries in Africa both Christians, Muslims and others.
France and other European countries have citizens being murdered at work and in restaurants etc.
America has people being murdered in night clubs, movie theaters and specifically in GUN FREE ZONES being easy targets for murderers and Islamic Jihadist.
No need to go on with what is currently happening as it is all over the news (well the parts the news wants to expose) and with little censorship in social media.
SO YOU WANT TO INFRINGE ON THE RIGHT OF WE THE PEOPLE to have semi-automatic weapons and semi-automatic guns because you believe that people "without" guns are more safe than those with guns.
Well, allow WE THE PEOPLE to point out to you that there is a country that requires all if it's citizens to be trained in the use of guns and to own guns and that country has the least amount of gun related murders etc of any country.
You may or may not be aware of this so let WE THE PEOPLE inform you a bit. The country is Switzerland.
"Even though Switzerland has not been involved in an armed conflict since a standoff between Catholics and Protestants in 1847, the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public. Because of this general acceptance and even pride in gun ownership, nobody bats an eye at the sight of a civilian riding a bus, bike or motorcycle to the shooting range, with a rifle slung across the shoulder."(Reference: The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works By Helena Bachmann / Geneva)
Of course you are well informed (being talk show) host about where the highest murder rates are in the USA. We The People could be wrong about what you are privy to so let us point those cities out to you.
We The People are aware that you as talk show host as well as the Mainstream media will not educated your viewers and others as to the reasoning behind citizens being armed without infringement.
We The People understand that you are part of the propaganda arm to convince citizens that it is reasonable to disarm citizens preventing their ability to defend and maintain the security of the free state leaving all citizens to be at the mercy of traitors, murderers and tyrants.
It is ludicrous to believe that the government, the State or local law enforcement officials can defend citizens against enemies foreign or domestic. Proof of that is exposed by the current murder of 49 innocent people in Orlando and attempted murder of 53 others. Neither local, State or Federal agencies or law enforcement of any kind were able to prevent the horrible slaughter.
No one in the Orlando night club had a gun and apparently not even anyone in security at the club. It was also a GUN FREE ZONE. The Islamic Jihadist must have forgot to read the sign.
Law abiding citizens should be allowed to exercise their right to own and bear arms and the infringement of that right causes deaths. Evil and conspiring people, traitors and tyrants enjoy a citizenry without the ability to defend themselves. States and local governments as well as community organizations put their citizens at risk by infringing on the 2nd Amendment Right of "the people."
Going after guns (semi-automatic or not) will not make citizens safer. It will only put them more at risk and any politician that pushes to disarm THE PEOPLE is guilty of tyranny. No one gets to sit on the fence. When the enemies of the state appear with their guns (bought legally or on the black market) and point them at unarmed citizens, those that disarmed the people are the ones that will have blood on their hands.
Either every law abiding citizen that wants to arm themselves can (or everyone as in Switzerland) or no one can have a gun. Unless you can guarantee that no person has access to a gun, knife, bomb or other deadly instrument that can be used to kill "the people", the right of "the people" to bear arms must be maintained allowing them the ability to defend themselves against unwarranted deadly attack as well as the preservation of the security of the free state.
You asked the question, "why should citizens be allowed to own semi-automatic weapons".
We The People have given you a reasonable and very specific explanation as to why. To push an agenda that is contrary to what the Constitution guarantees is to be a part of the tyrannical agenda that will put "the people" and free state at risk.
We The People will be watching.
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