
Sunday, October 13, 2013


I could not be with my Veteran Brothers and Sisters in DC, so I am supporting them by sharing Twitter post and being with them in Spirit. 

God Bless America, all Americans and our Veterans. 
 Bruce Goldwell, Vietnam Veteran

Please Help Me Share this on FB & Twitter

"United States Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) as well as former Governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin added their voices to the crowd as they amended the Ronald Reagan quote that was originally aimed at the former Soviet Dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, but this time, directed at Barack Obama: "Tear down these walls."

  America Spring Started 10.13.2013  

Oath Keeper Show A Tribute to Veterans. Today's show in honor of the vets , bikers and everyone else that showed up in DC on Sunday and made a clear, loud statement.  Added 10.14.2013 8:45 PM EST

If America is to know what happened on 10.13.2013, it is up to US Citizens to spread the word.  There was a news blackout on Sunday, but Americans can still let others know what happened.  Keep the torch burning.  There is still time to SaveAMERICA! 10.14.2014 11:59AM

Open Letter to CNN 

Dear CNN,

The Million Vet March on the World War II Memorial was among the largest, most compelling, inspiring and inventive acts of civil disobedience in American history…and you knew it and blew it.

You knew it because your reporter Shannon Travis, a very cordial gentleman who was wearing a stylish purple tie was present at the rally. He told Special Operations Speaks before an interview that he loved the passion of the rally. Mr. Travis undoubtedly observed the make up of the attendees of the crowd as 80-90% veterans and 10-20% veteran supporters. - read more....

WWII Memorial Open for visitors 10.13.2013 Thanks to Veterans who took matters into their ow hands.


#1MVetMarch trends #1

With LIVE STREAM recorded earlier

All the Photos of #1MVetMarch

Sarah Palin at 1MVetMarch up close and personal

Pics of 1MVetMarch click the link for over 100 up close and personal pics of the 1MVetMarch

Courtesy of @1MVetMarch

Obama gets his Barry-cades back 

Courtesy of Maggie @tweet2u2

Obama sends Troops & Cops to DC to surround VETS but didn't send anyone to Benghazi Proof once again that we have a traitor in the WH.  Courtesy of 

Courtesy of  @4angel1980

Truckers show up at #1MVetMarch

DC Truck #T2SDA just went LIVE again but he is headed back to work sighhhh

VETS game Obama back his Barry-cades

Mr. President Tear Down This Wall

Mike Lee/Ted Cruz @ 1MVetMarch

Add a little Cruz Control

One Picture is worth a Million Words thanks Chelsea 


#1MVerMarch a Success MSM refuses to cover the event.

VETS Storm Memorials and remove barracades

Three American Heroes STAND WITH VETS

CNN Calls March a protest and references to Tea Party.  Obviously CNN is among the propagandist that loves falsely reporting events.  The March was NOT a protest, it was a March to Re-open the Memorials and send Obama a message that We The People own this country. NOT OBAMA! And this event is for VETS, not the Tea Party.  Wake up CNN, citizen reporters are putting you OUT OF BUSINESS.  

Now called the SPITEHOUSE
Sarah Palin

Barracades Being Re-Intalled Guessing that Obama wants #1MVetMarch Part 2 = #2MVetMarch

LIVE STREAM HITS 13,000+ Viewers 10.13.2013 11:38 AM

VETS carry Barricades to White House 

Million Vet March LIVE STREAM Goes over 10,000 Viewers/Approaches 100K Hits 10.13.2013 11:28 AM

#1MVetMarch Goes Viral on Twitter 10.13.2013 11:15 AM

Inspiring Video 

NOT CLOSED 10.13.2013 11:07 AM

God Bless Our Vets
Obama has been CLOSED  20.13.2013 10:56 AM
VETS arrive at Vietnam Vet Memorial 20.13.2013 10:52 AM

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